Things You Must Know About Badshahi Mosque Lahore

Badshahi Mosque Lahore

Badshahi mosque is the most iconic landmark of Lahore; the most worth visiting place in Lahore.

Although the whole of Lahore is special, this mosque has a class of beauty. 

No wonder this mosque attracts thousands of tourists every year. 

Its beauty forces visitors from all over the world to visit.

There are many beautiful mosques around the corner but Badshahi mosque can take your heart. 

The unique beauty and the architecture make the Badshahi mosque of Lahore a special entity.

In between the old and new bazaars, and malls of Lahore, the Bashahi mosque holds a lovely and fabulous factor of Importance. 

You may deny my words but only before visiting there. Once you go there you will fall in love with Badshahi Mosque Lahore. 

Its courtyard will attract you and the interior will force you to appreciate the beauty. 

The most interesting facts are discussed at the end but to be clear about everything read the blog carefully and till the end. 

Badshahi mosque Lahore

Before we go to the beauty let’s visit the history of Badshahi Masjid of Lahore. 

History Of Badshahi Mosque Lahore

Badshahi mosque Lahore has an interesting history. The history of Lahore lies in the Badshahi mosque’s history. 

This grand mosque has remained the largest mosque of the Mughal era for approximately 113 years. 

It was built by the Muslims, captured by Sikhs, and then came under the rule of the British. It was then finally taken again by Muslims.

Here is a short but mystic history of the Badshahi Mosque Lahore.

Who constructed Badshahi Mosque?

The Badshahi Mosque was constructed by Mughals. Mughal emperor Aurangzeb has constructed this marvelous grand mosque in Lahore. 

Surprisingly this mosque was constructed in only 2 years. The Badshahi Mosque was constructed between 1671 and 1673. 

After 1799 Sikhs captured the city. They used the beautiful courtyard of the mosque as the stable for horses. The Hujraas of the mosque were used as quarters for their army. 

After them, the British took the charge of Lahore. They made the courtyard as a garrison for their army. 

It was then re-establish as a mosque. The Badshahi mosque was finally handed over to Muslims. A British ruler John Lawrence; the viceroy of India did that. 

Badshahi mosque architecture

Badshahi mosque is an elegant reflection of Mughals and Islamic architecture. 

 A grand square courtyard with a magnificently beautiful view is always waiting for the visitors. Badshahi mosque courtyard is the marvel of ancient times. It still holds beauty inside it.

A 530ft square courtyard with immense beauty is a living example of the architecture of the Mughal era. 

Material used:

The whole mosque comprises red stones and marble giving a pure and noble view to the mosque.

Badshahi mosque interior 

History of Badshahi Mosque

There are three well-proportioned domes. A big one at the center and smaller ones on the left and right sides. White huge dome of Badshahi mosque Lahore is unexplainable in view. 

There are 8 minarets of the mosque augmenting the grace of Almighty Allah. Four of them are approximately 176ft tall; talking to the sky. 

The mosque was damaged during the war period. Now it is in its best condition. 

A raised entrance of 22 stairs can take you to the majestic courtyard of the Badshahi Mosque Lahore. 

It opens from the east. Once you enter the mosque the whole majestic view will bless your eyes with the most beautiful architecture. 

Visitors from abroad come here to see this unexplainable beauty in the air of Lahore. 

White marble inlay is used on the stone facing the mosque. The interior consists of two long halls with remarkable height. 

No doubt Badshahi mosque is the real marvel of Southeast history. 

 Architect of Badshahi mosque 

The Badshahi mosque Lahore was first built under the supervision of Fidai khan Koka; the foster brother of Aurangzeb. 

Nawab Zain yar Jung Bahadur has made its preserved architecture in 1939. 

Badshahi mosque Lahore Nikkah charges

There is no surprise that many Muslims prefer to perform Nikkah in mosques. However, some mosques are really important for this factor. People think of it as an honor to do nikkah in Badshahi mosque Lahore. A budget of 30 to 40 thousand rupees is enough for registration for Nikkah in the grand mosque of Lahore. 

Hotels near Badshahi mosque Lahore:

Discussing Lahore and forgetting food is an injustice to Lahore. The precious city has the most precious foodie people. Lahore fort food street is very near to the Badshahi mosque. Desi foods and Lahori cuisine with amazing views of the city blush the eyes of visitors.

Cooco’s Den is the most visited hotel at food street Lahore. The old building with painted walls can take your heart at the food street. 

Other important hotels are Haveli restaurant, Riwaaj restaurant, and Andaaz restaurant Lahore. 

hotels near Badshahi mosque

Rooftop hotels at night portray the majestic scenes and view of the city’s most beautiful site. 

If you are visiting the Badshahi Mosque of Lahore must visit there to enjoy your trip completely. 

The fort road food street is located in the Shahi Muhallah, of Lahore. 

Interesting Facts

Now, the wait is over. Here are the 5 interesting facts everybody should know about the Badshahi Mosque Lahore. 

  • Approximately one lac people can offer prayers in the Badshahi mosque at a time. 
  • It remained the largest mosque in the world just before the construction of the Faisal Mosque in Islamabad. 
  • Badshahi mosque architecture resembles the Jamia mosque located in Dehli. 
  • The courtyard of Badshahi mosque was made of bricks and different water channels were spread throughout the courtyard to make it cool. But now red stones and marble took their place. Now it is hard to walk barefooted in the summer season.
  • Badshahi mosque is located in the walled city of Lahore. So a number of tourists from all over the world visit to see the mosque. 

It was all from my side. Don’t forget, sharing is caring.


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